Help! I have NO self respect 

I have been terrified of writing this post, but I feel I have to

I have came to the conclusion that I have no self respect, I stuff myself with food just for the hell of it… why?

  • Habit
  • Self destructive urge
  • Deep rooted issues, Bury your feelings and all that?
  • No self respect, sure I’m fat anyway

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Mama hustlers are everywhere!

Pre motherhood 9 – 5 didn’t really exist for me if I am honest it was more 7 – 7, I was well and truly part of the rat race. We decided whilst I was on maternity leave that I wouldn’t return to my target driven position in recruitment and that we would watch our pennies and I would stay at home with our son

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The ability to let it go, has gone

I am morphing into my great grandmother

Florence was a strong willed lady, didn’t care too much what anyone else thought and she couldn’t hold her tongue.

Yikes, I do and can engage my filter – I do this often BUT I am noticing the ability to let some stuff go has gone.

Does this happen as we grow? (age) Is this a perk of wisdom? I have no idea. For example yesterday the eager sales man in an electrical store who really really wanted us to purchase his super amazing product insurance, its not insurance, add on thing was on the receiving end of my honest views on his pushy, arrogant sales pitch / post pitch guilt push – I couldn’t not tell him how appalling his pitch was, having worked in sales forever I am disgusted. If we hadn’t of paid I would have walked out.

My bullshit tolerance level is low… really low. I think I might start tracking this in case its a hormonal, or else I should just accept my fate and practice calming, grounding, breathing exercises at all times

Florrie told it as it was, if you had gained weight she would point it out – if you needed your hair cut, she would make sure you knew. Often she was really really hurtful – I definitely do not want to mean, but I always admired her honesty and no filtered approach and response to pretty much everything. I think we all need a bit of that

Understanding and embracing MINECRAFT

Minecraft Mania has engulfed our home, M has just turned 5 and has been a YouTube whiz for a while so knew it would only be a matter of time before he discovered Minecraft I was super careful not to mention it, or push it as I really like him to discover things in his own time, and he did. And once he found it, he got into it big time.

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Sleep, glorious sleep

I think (i know) I need more sleep, I have a real issue with going to bed at a reasonable time. I have some friends who are in bed by 930/10pm each night? I just can’t, it is almost as if once my son gets to bed I value the me time and just want to be awake?!

I push myself past tired some nights and I know that’s so wrong

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My time – Hopi Ear Candles


Its a Friday night, my other half is on night shift.. The little man has gone up to bed and its time for me to relax!

I have a long list of things I enjoy doing in order to relax, I am a massive self care advocate and will be sharing all my chill out loves with you, I promise – tonight I thought I would I would take 30 mins and clear my head!

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Tayto Park ! Birthday daytrip

tayto park

We ventured to Tayto Park at the start of the week for the day, and we were blown away! What a great place.. right on our doorstep (well kinda…no boats or planes to get)  We live near Belfast so had to drive approx 1.5hrs to get there, honestly it was totally worth it

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5 reasons why I love Home Education

As our 1st official year (if we go by the school rules) comes close to an end I am beginning to reflect on all the things we have both discovered, I am so so incredibly proud of my son and also of myself and my family for making this choice. To be honest I am blown away at how fast this year has gone, and by how far my little boy has grown.

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